I have spent a lot of time discussing the concept of creating what you want in your life. If you have taken the advice, maybe you have set your sights on what you wanted to accomplish, created the plan, and executed on that plan. In some cases you experience success and that goal begins to manifest in your life. In others, it is simply not playing out the way you expected. The reality is that many things are out of our control. As we discuss in Adjust Your Sails, you can direct the boat by manipulating the rudder and sails, but you cannot control the current or the wind. …
Confidence is an interesting attribute. When we are ill we want our Doctor to be confident is his ability to heal us. If you’ve ever been audited you take solace in the fact that your accountant is an expert and knows how deal with the IRS. The one thing we do know is that confidence is a state of mind that ultimately breeds success.
What about those times in life when you don’t have confidence? Assume you are taking on a new role at work. You are about to address your entire department and you are beginning to second-guess your abilities.…
Over the last few weeks, we have discussed some of the concepts around self -actualization. Below is a list of 16 characteristics of self-actualized people that Psychologist Abraham Maslow used to describe the most psychologically advanced humans among us:
1. They are realistically oriented.
2. They accept themselves, other people, and the natural world for what they are.
3. They have a great deal of spontaneity.
4. They are problem-centered rather than self-centered.
5. They have an air of detachment and a need for privacy.
6. They are autonomous and independent.
7. Their appreciation of people and things is fresh rather than stereotyped.…
There is an old story of 3 masons that were building a church. Each was asked what they were doing. The first man replied, “ I am laying bricks so I can get paid.” The second man said, “I am building a wall.” The third man said, “I am crafting a beautiful cathedral that people will admire for years to come.” All three men are doing the exact same thing yet their interpretation is quite different.
We each have the power to apply cognitive reframing to any situation. You alone choose how you see things. The self-actualized individual realizes this, and finds the opportunity in every situation.…
Years ago I had a colleague who was incredibly disciplined when it came to saving for his future. Bruce made sacrifices throughout his entire working life so that he could live the retirement of his dreams. On his 65th birthday he retired. One week later he was diagnosed with cancer. Six months later he was gone. His wife lived a few more years and after her death the children inherited everything. Unlike their parents they took the “live now” attitude to a whole new extreme. They spent their parents hard earned money on luxury cars and lavish vacations. When the money ran out, they realized that they never took care of their children’s education, paid down their mortgage, or saved anything for the future.…
In chapter four of Adjust Your Sails we take an in depth look at the concept of how to create a bucket list. The primary focus is on fulfillment.
The reality is that none of us know when we will spend our last day on earth. No one ever sat on their deathbed and wished they had spent more time working or taking care of the house. The real question is, what are those things you want to do while you are here? Have you taken the time to create a list? If not, what are you waiting for?
If you have a smart phone, pull it out right now and open a note.…