Blog with Joel Brookman

Adjust Your Mindset | Joel Brookman

Confidence is an interesting attribute. When we are ill we want our Doctor to be confident is his ability to heal us. If you’ve ever been audited you take solace in the fact that your accountant is an expert and knows how deal with the IRS. The one thing we do know is that confidence is a state of mind that ultimately breeds success.

What about those times in life when you don’t have confidence? Assume you are taking on a new role at work. You are about to address your entire department and you are beginning to second-guess your abilities. Thoughts begin to enter your mind, “What if it goes badly? What if they realize that I’m in over my head?” As these thoughts build, you begin to lose confidence in your abilities.

What do you do when you begin to doubt yourself? Adjust your mindset. Think of a time when you were successful in a similar situation. What was your mindset? Go back to that time and place in your awareness. Tune into the energy that you felt in that moment. Now take that energetic state and apply it to your current situation. The key is to know that you will have a positive outcome!


Posted by Joel Brookman in Adjust your mindset, Building Lasting Success, Confidence, Direct Your Life and tagged .


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