Blog with Joel Brookman


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We call ourselves an evolved species and yet we cannot peacefully coexist. Scores of unsuspecting people in Paris massacred because they have different beliefs. Why do some lack tolerance, and choose to force their will on others?

Here’s a thought: believe what you want, and allow others to do the same. If you desire, practice your beliefs and discuss them with like-minded people. Realize that it’s ok if you and I have different beliefs. You can believe in your version of God and I can believe in mine. I’m pretty sure neither of us know the entire story. Resist the need to impose your will on others.

I’ve watched the news, read the paper, and assimilated the information. I could easily allow my consciousness to become consumed by this horrible event. I could tune into the talking heads in the media and allow my anger to fester, or I can mourn for the victims and their families, then direct my energy towards the good in the world.

As I write this I am at the kitchen table with my two girls, both oblivious to the horrific events that just transpired. I am observing the joy and wonder in their eyes. I am thankful that they are safe. I am thankful to be living where I am, in good health, surrounded by people who love me.

Disasters have a way of bringing out the best in humanity. Humanitarians breed tolerance and kindness. Terrorists invoke anger and fear. If I allow hate, anger, and fear to take over, than they have won. I refuse. What will you choose?

Posted by Joel Brookman in tolerance, Uncategorized.


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