Blog with Joel Brookman

The Key to Controlling Stress-Part Three

Last week we talked about the realization that you are not your thoughts, you are the observer of your thoughts. Most of that which causes stress in our lives never comes to be.

Think about a time when you were in a stressful situation and experienced a positive outcome. Let’s assume you are experiencing stress over a meeting you will be having tomorrow with your boss. You will be delivering a plan you developed for a new product launch. You are worried that it won’t go well and he won’t like your plan.

  • Do you have control over the situation? In this example you do have significant control. Put yourself in your boss’ shoes and decide if he will like everything you have put into your proposal. If you have doubts, make the necessary changes. Once you have decided that you have done your best work, let it go. You have taken control of what you can.
  • Think back to another time in life where you found yourself in a similar situation and experienced a positive outcome. Remember how you felt when it all worked out? Attach that thought, feeling and attitude to your current situation. Now, in your mind, simply see the interaction with your boss play out the way you would like it to be…

What if it’s still not working for you? Join us next week to take it one step farther.  Read Part 4 now on Controlling Your Stress.

Posted by Joel Brookman in Building Lasting Success and tagged , .


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