Blog with Joel Brookman

The Key to Controlling Stress-Part Two

Last week we talked about controlling stress by exerting greater control over what you choose to focus on.

Begin by realizing that you are not your thoughts, you are the observer of your thoughts. From that perspective, it is much easier to catch these potentially damaging thoughts before your mind builds them into something larger. As you notice fear, the root of the stress, ask yourself a few questions:

  • Do I have control over the situation?
    If so, have I done everything in my power to ensure things will work the way I would like them to?
  • What is the worst-case scenario?
    What are the odds that the scenario will play out?
  • Assuming your worst-case scenario actually plays out, what then?
    Would your life or the life of family members be in danger?

Next week we will discuss how you apply this in a real life situation.  Jump now to Part 3 of Controlling Your Stress

Posted by Joel Brookman in Building Lasting Success and tagged , , .


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