Latest "your thoughts create your reality" Posts

#57 Feel Your Desired Outcome

Once you identify what you want, educate yourself on what it will take. Visualize it in your mind and feel your desired outcome.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in incremental steps toward reaching goals, Live from intention, Podcasts, Self improvement, Take Control of Your Life, Uncategorized, your thoughts create your reality.

#18 Choose Who You Want to Be

You don’t have to be a byproduct of your life’s story if it doesn’t serve you. Let go of that story and choose who you want to be in each moment. Don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in limiting Beliefs, overcoming limiting beliefs, Podcasts, Self improvement, your thoughts create your reality.

#17 You Are Not Your Story

Stop defining yourself from your past circumstances. You are not your story. Choose who want to be in this moment.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in overcoming limiting beliefs, Podcasts, your thoughts create your reality.

There is Always Enough

It is said that people applaud your success so long as you are not more successful than them. This was not the case for My Aunt Ruth and Uncle Don. They were extraordinary people. They didn’t have a lot of money, but truly appreciated life. When I was having my house built, they came to visit. When they walked into the room that was to become my home theatre, they looked at each other and smiled. They were so proud of me. There was never any judgment or envy; They were just genuinely happy for me. The fact that I was their nephew and they loved me was certainly a factor, but they never judged anyone or felt insecure about anything.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in abundance, Law of Reciprocity, your thoughts create your reality.

Focus on the Positive

I was on a flight from New York to West Palm the other night. I helped the couple next to me (who were in their 60’s), put a suitcase in the overhead compartment. As soon as we sat, the pilot made an announcement about a long delay due to a mechanical issue with one of the engines. The woman immediately began complaining. She blamed the airline for incompetence. She proceeded to vent for at least 15 minutes. Through our discussion I found out that she was going back to Florida to an empty house. She hadn’t even made a connection from anywhere else.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in eliminate negativity, Positive Attitude, positive reinforcement, Positivity, reduce stress, your thoughts create your reality.

Deliberate Creation

Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you are right.” Our incredibly powerful subconscious mind processes not only our thoughts, but also our corresponding emotions. The subconscious mind accepts our ideas and thoughts as true – regardless of whether they are positive or negative. Once your thoughts and emotions are in sync, the subconscious mind works to make our ideas happen. As you learn to harness this power you can begin the process of deliberate creation.

Have you ever spent time worrying about a situation, so sure that the outcome would be disastrous? Then, when that worst-case scenario actually happens, you’re the first one to shout, “See?…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in manifest, vision board, your thoughts create your reality.
