Blog with Joel Brookman

There is Always Enough

It is said that people applaud your success so long as you are not more successful than them. This was not the case for My Aunt Ruth and Uncle Don. They were extraordinary people. They didn’t have a lot of money, but truly appreciated life. When I was having my house built, they came to visit. When they walked into the room that was to become my home theatre, they looked at each other and smiled. They were so proud of me. There was never any judgment or envy; They were just genuinely happy for me. The fact that I was their nephew and they loved me was certainly a factor, but they never judged anyone or felt insecure about anything. Instead, they just lived their lives in appreciation. They somehow inherently understood the concept that there is always enough.

Most people have been taught to believe in the concept of scarcity. The thought is that there is never enough, so if someone gets a bigger piece of the pie, everyone else gets less. If you operate from this mindset, it becomes difficult to be genuinely happy for others that experience success.

According to the late Steven Covey, “The abundance mentality flows out of a deep inner sense of personal worth and security. It is the paradigm that there is plenty out there and enough to spare for everybody. It results in sharing of prestige, of recognition, of profits and decision making. It opens possibilities, options, alternatives, and creativity.” I refer to this as the “Aunt Ruth principle.”

If you operate from a mindset of abundance, you have a willingness to be generous. Generous people not only feel good about themselves, through their service to others, they also reap benefits through the law of reciprocity. The law of reciprocity is the simple concept that what you give away ultimately comes back to you with dividends.

Scarcity is a myth that has been ingrained in our society. There is always enough. You just have to get clear about what you want, put the plan in place, take the necessary action, and stay on the path until it manifests. Stop focusing on the lack and start focusing on the abundance.

Posted by Joel Brookman in abundance, Law of Reciprocity, your thoughts create your reality.


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