Latest "Find your passion" Posts

Life-Long Student

While I was in a taxi the other night in Madison, Wisconsin, I decided to start a conversation with the driver. The discussion started with Uber, then went to the Packers, politics, and finally, the stock market. He was an expert on every topic. I have found that people that know everything seem to stop growing intellectually. After all, if you know everything, there’s nothing left to learn.

I see a similar challenge with egomaniacs. If you believe you know better than everyone else, you stop listening. If you stop listening, you stop learning. Once you stop learning, you no longer move forward.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Find your passion, Job security, life-long students, personal growth, Uncategorized.

#151 Life-long Students

90SecondNavigator-AlbumArt Life-long students are those people that continue to expand mentally.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Find your passion, life-long students, personal growth, Podcasts, Self improvement, success.

#113 Celebrate Your Wins

To truly appreciate your success you must celebrate your wins.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in eliminate negativity, Enjoy your accomplishments, Find your passion, go inside, Podcasts, Positive Attitude, Positivity, success, Uncategorized.

Uncover the Passion

Years ago when I was in a sales role, I was having difficulty getting to a very large prospect. He had an assistant who was his gatekeeper. She was very controlling, ornery, and had that mother hen type personality. I decided that the only way I was going to get anywhere was to win her over. That became my mission. I knew I would have to find something she was passionate about in order to make the connection. I began by looking around the cubicle she worked in to observe pictures or items on display. If someone uses the limited office space they have to display something unrelated to work, there is a very high probability that it represents something for which they have a passion.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Diversify your income stream, Find your passion, influence people, Monetize your passion.
