Latest "Electronic Calendar" Posts

You Can Control Your Energy

You know that feeling when you walk into a room and know immediately, without anyone saying anything to you, that the people around you are angry or stressed? You can feel the tension all around you even though you had no introduction to the reason why.  That is because we constantly release energy.  Our thoughts constitute energy.  While we may realize that we give off energy all day long, few make the connection that once recognized, we can refocus and alter it. You can control your energy.

When you walk into a conference room, fully prepared to discuss your well thought-out ideas, your energy radiates confidence and enthusiasm.  …

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Control your energy, Electronic Calendar.

Time To Switch to an Electronic Calendar

I am completely reliant on my calendar. I travel frequently and if you ask me where I’m going next week I have to look it up. For years I carried a paper calendar. Eventually my biggest fear came to fruition. I was in Atlanta waiting for my connection when I decided to check what hotel I would be staying in that evening. I reached into my briefcase and panicked. My calendar was gone. I left it on the plane. I rushed back to the gate but the plane had taken off. I left word with the airline but I never saw it again.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Electronic Calendar, productivity.
