Latest "control your thoughts" Posts

#1138 Negative Self-Talk Will Inhibit Your Success. Today We Show You How to Rewrite Your Narrative.

We are often our own single biggest obstacle to success. If you tell yourself that you’re not worthy or deserving, you’re creating a tremendous barrier to achievement. Create your own internal narrative so that it aligns with where you want to go. We’ll talk about how to do it.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Achieve Success, Adjust your mindset, Building Lasting Success, control your thoughts, Habits create success, limiting Beliefs, podcasts, Podcasts, subconscious mind.

#1014 Your Happiness is Determined by How You Process Thoughts in Your Head

Why is it that certain people can have everything and be miserable while others can have nothing and be happy? So much of your happiness is determined by how you process thoughts in your head. Today we look at ways to get better at managing your thoughts.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in control your thoughts, happiness, podcasts, Podcasts.

#897 Eliminate Jealousy

Jealousy is an irrational, non-productive emotion. Today we look at ways to eliminate jealousy in your life.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in control your thoughts, eliminate negativity, Podcasts.

#839 Exert Control Over Your Mind

So often we overthink things to the point that we create stress over things that will probably never happen. Today we discuss how to combat his through your ability to exert control over your mind.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Cognitive Reframing, control your thoughts, Podcasts.

#211 Does Fear Control You

90SecondNavigator-AlbumArt Does fear control you? Do you let it get in the way of opportunities in your life? Manage what you can control and let go of everything you can’t.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in control your thoughts, fear, Podcasts.

#178 Best Case Scenario

Gain the discipline to always focus on the best case scenario.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in control your thoughts, discipline, Podcasts, Positive Attitude, Positivity, self control, Self improvement, self talk.
