Latest "Building Lasting Success" Posts

The Key to Controlling Stress-Part Two

Last week we talked about controlling stress by exerting greater control over what you choose to focus on.

Begin by realizing that you are not your thoughts, you are the observer of your thoughts. From that perspective, it is much easier to catch these potentially damaging thoughts before your mind builds them into something larger. As you notice fear, the root of the stress, ask yourself a few questions:…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Building Lasting Success.

The Key to Controlling Stress-Part One

I spent the better part of a decade experiencing tremendous stress in my life. It got so bad that I would physically throw up several days a week as a result. The interesting part is that 95% of what I was worried about never came to be.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Building Lasting Success.

Adjust Your Sails Book Release December 20!

Adjust Your Sails Book ReleaseWe’re excited to announce the release of my new book, Adjust Your Sails: A Story of Navigating to a Life of Success, for December 20!

My goal in writing this business fable has been to provide a balanced approach that speaks to “regular” people who may not be familiar with the life-changing concepts presented, as well as to depict a straightforward and actionable path to building lasting success for those who have been exposed to this information but have yet to incorporate it into their life.

Ultimately, Adjust Your Sails identifies the factors that contribute to the lasting success of the most advanced among us.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Adjust Your Sails, Building Lasting Success.

The Keys to Building Lasting Success and Creating the Life You Desire

My Journey to Building Lasting Success and Personal Happiness

Joel Brookman: Building Lasting Success

Growing up, I never knew exactly what I wanted to do. The only thing I was clear about is that I wanted to make a lot of money. When I finished college, I set a goal for myself to become a millionaire by age 30. I became consumed with this goal. I started a property maintenance/construction company to accomplish it. The business was building nicely within a very short time. I began taking on bigger jobs and growing my staff. At its peak, I had about 20 employees.

I got myself (my ego) so wrapped up in the business that it began to define who I thought I was.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Building Lasting Success.
