Blog with Joel Brookman

What Will You Accomplish in 2016

jan 2016 calendar
It’s been a while since I have written about creating the life you desire. Since
we are embarking on the end of 2015, now is a great time to start looking at what you will accomplish in 2016. Let’s begin with what you would like your life to look like one year from today.

1. Get a clear picture of what 2016 looks like in your mind. Close your eyes and observe the thoughts going through your head. Be the observer of your body and what is happening, heartbeat, breath etc. Next, after you’ve been there for a few minutes start to fantasize about what you want your life situation to look like in a year. Where you are living? What does your family look like? What’s happening in your work environment? How is your health?
2. Write down 2-5 items that you uncovered. Once they are on the page, decide how committed you are to each one. Key question, are you willing to change your life and do what is necessary to attain what you have written?
3. Believe you can do it-You certainly want to stretch your aspirations but you must also either have, or develop a level of inner confidence, where you realistically believe that your vision or something better can come together.
4. Choose a method to document this picture.
a. Distill what you have written in step 2 into something you could look at every day.
b. Find or draw a picture of something that would evoke the emotions tied to reaching the desire.
c. Make yourself a recording explaining your vision in vivid detail. Record your story into your phone using your self in the 1st person. Walk through a day in your life with as much detail and feeling as you can.
Once you choose your method, revisit it each day by taking a 2 minute mental vacation. Focus on the feelings of goal(s) fulfilled.
5. Make a list of the things that you must do to attain your pictured desire(s). Assume you have a business opportunity Latin America. If you move on the opportunity, it can take you to a financial goal you have set for yourself. In order to be successful in this endeavor, you will need to communicate with people on the ground. Your Spanish is not where it needs to be to pull this off. Your list might begin with you ordering Rosetta Stone and committing to get conversational in Spanish.
6. Put a time frame and specific action steps around your list from step 5. If possible, include personal rewards for hitting bogies along the way.
7. Reference your plan in step 6 daily, while you create your to do list.
8. Execute

So what will you accomplish in 2016? The process begins with a decision to accept responsibility for your destiny. You then take the most efficient steps to get you there. The best time to begin is now. Let me know how you progress. [email protected]

Posted by Joel Brookman in accomplish more, Choose who you want to be, Direct Your Life, Goal setting, Plan your life.


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