Blog with Joel Brookman

Make Your New Year’s Resolution a New Year’s Intention (part 3)

Last week we discussed moving from desire to intention. This week I invite you to take the next step to make your New Year’s resolution a New Year’s intention. I want to encourage you to create a plan to drive the intentions you have set for yourself. The first step is to set up incremental, measurable targets to keep you on track.

Let’s assume that one of the items on your list is to complete a book that you started writing. Can you begin to set timeframes for completion for various stages of the project? Maybe you can set a deadline for your rough draft to be done by May 1st,  a fully edited version by July 15, and a completed cover design by Sept 1. You begin to get the idea.

Accountability helps ensure that you stay on track. Is there someone in your life that can hold your feet to the fire? If not, you may want to hire a coach. In the case of the book, the coach could take the form of an editor. If it’s a health related commitment, the coach could be a personal trainer or health professional. Some people find it helpful to create a written contract with themselves. Use whatever means necessary to keep yourself on track.

I am writing this blog on New Years day. Now is the ideal time to start moving your life in the direction of your desires. Do not simply make another resolution that becomes abandoned by March. Make your New Year’s resolution a New Year’s intention by creating a plan to drive the intentions you have set for yourself, then you can begin to move forward.

If you are looking for more clarity on this, please feel free to reach out to me.

Happy New Year!

Posted by Joel Brookman in Uncategorized.


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