Blog with Joel Brookman

Live Your Life On Vacation

Sunrise Most of us go through the daily grind of work and family and if we’re lucky, we take a few weeks for ourselves. Those few weeks are the vacations that we look forward to all year. While it’s great to take vacations, the vast majority of our lives are spent in the grind—going to work, taking care of daily chores, and the routines we call life. Why does it have to be this way? What if you set a goal to live your life on vacation? How do you do this? What does it look like?

1. Get paid to do what you love. If you truly love what you do for a living it shouldn’t feel like work. If you are in a business just to pay the bills, or go to a job everyday that you dislike, take some self discovery time and explore your passions. Can you find a way to make money in something you enjoy? I’m not suggesting that you quit your job or walk away from your business immediately, but why not start to lay the groundwork for an endeavor you are passionate about now? There’s nothing wrong with building a business or expertise slowly. Find the time outside of your work hours to create what you want. You might amaze yourself at how much time you actually have if you reallocated your TV or social media time to focus on monetizing your passion.
2. Change your mindset. I am fortunate to be in an industry that I truly enjoy, working with incredible colleagues, in a position where I get to help people excel at what they do. Last week I walked off stage after finishing a presentation and the head of our business told me that I’ve found my calling in life. Many of us are in businesses that we enjoy. If you are in this group, step back and realize how lucky you are to be doing what you love. Remind yourself of this everyday when you wake up and take this mindset into the office with you each day.
3. Moderation is critical. Even though I love what I do, there are times that I become absorbed by it—early mornings, late nights, getting sucked into the gossip and rumor mills that exist in most companies. When things slow down I try to pull myself away (at least mentally) and put my focus on family and non-business passions. Even if you like what you do, if you lack balance, it’s difficult to fully appreciate it.
4. Surround yourself with amazing people. Being with friends and family whose company you truly enjoy can be invigorating. There’s nothing like connecting with a dear friends or spending time with family members you love. How often do you do it? Are you fully present when you do? Do you take the opportunity to truly appreciate these amazing people around you?
5. Take advantage of where you live. I’ve lived in Florida for over 20 years. I don’t play golf and I have no desire to own a boat. I’m not crazy about hot weather, but I do love the beach. A couple of years ago I started looking into moving to Colorado full time. I decided against it, mainly because I convinced my parents to move to Florida. They are amazing people and they are at the age when they should have family close by. I recently moved to the beach. Every morning I see the sunrise over the ocean from my bedroom window, then I take the dog for a walk on the sand. The move has reignited my passion for Florida. What do you enjoy about where you live? Do you take advantage of it? If not, why? If there is a place you would prefer to be living, start working on a plan to get there.

Living life on vacation means appreciating the moments along the way. It’s not about waiting for the time to go on vacation. It’s about being present, tuning into your passions, and making sure you tap into those passions as frequently as you can. Your first order of business: Find a way to implement them into your daily life.

Posted by Joel Brookman in Adjust your mindset, follow your passion, happiness, Life balance, love your job, Monetize your passion, work life balance.


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