Blog with Joel Brookman

Live For You

sarah ski
What do you love doing so much that when you’re doing it, and someone asks you what you’d rather be doing, there is nothing else? The thought of it ending disheartens you. For me it’s skiing, live music, experiencing new places, and spending quality time with my family (when everyone is in a good mood). Take a moment and pinpoint what they are for you.

Many of us go through life not taking advantage of the things we love to do as often as we should. It’s usually because life takes over. We have responsibilities at work, at home and many of us are taking care of others. We’re just busy.

Another challenge is misguided priorities. Are you using the resources you have to create the life you desire? Assume your life passion is diving exotic locals around the globe. In the meantime, you haven’t done it in 5 years because life has taken over. You’re building an addition on your house, buying a new car, paying your $200 cable bill, running the kids around to a million different activities. The time and the money just go. One day you wake up and realize that 10 years have gone by, and you haven’t been able to live for you. While we all have certain obligations in life there must be a balance. Balance means doing what you have to do, but being sure to dedicate time and resources for doing what you want to do. In this example, if the addition to the house is a luxury, your question must be: which would you appreciate more, the new part of your home, or taking a series of dive trips around the world? You just have to get clear about your passions and prioritize your time and resources accordingly. You must dedicate a portion of your life to ensure that you live for you.

The worst thing I can imagine is facing the end of life knowing you never lived for yourself. There is a solution:
1. Identify what you love to do.
2. Do you do those things as often as you’d like? If not…
3. Determine how you can apportion the necessary time and resources.
4. Put the plan in place—put it on your calendar and begin making the arrangements.
5. Execute your plan and appreciate how it feels to be doing something you love.
6. Begin planning the next one.

It’s time to reclaim what you love to do. We must maintain a healthy balance in life. The only way to strike a proper life balance is to ensure you take opportunities to live for you.

Posted by Joel Brookman in Find your passion, happiness, Life balance, Live in the moment, Uncategorized and tagged .


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