Blog with Joel Brookman

Intention Setting

Courtesy Flickr Creative Commons

Courtesy Flickr Creative Commons

Most people live their lives without intention. They simply go through the motions and accept what life delivers. Those that want to influence their own destiny, learn the practice of intention setting. Intention setting means that you do not simply accept the hand you are dealt, instead, exert your influence in an effort to improve that hand. The more frequently and effectively you exert this influence, the higher the probability you have of creating what you want. Create what you want and you have an amazing experience in this game we call life.

Define your destination: Before you can get where you want to go, you must define your destination. The clearer your vision for the outcome, the more effective you will be at getting there. Once you know your destination, you can begin planning your approach.

If you have a challenge getting clear about your destination, or the path to get there is not clear, solicit help from your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is responsible for processing all of your body’s activity. It is far more powerful than your conscious mind. Start to tune in and utilize your subconscious to help drive you forward. Before you go to sleep, ask yourself the question you would like answered. As you sleep your subconscious mind is working. The moment you awake, contemplate your question and see if anything comes to you. You’ll be surprised at what can come as a result.

Commitment—What separates the Olympic athlete from the weekend warrior? You could argue that it’s God given talent. While talent plays a role, without commitment you will never rise to the top of your game. Once you define your destination and put the plan in the place, you must make the commitment to stay on the path. Discipline is the fuel that ultimately drives your commitment.

Segment Intention—In each moment of your life, you have the ability to choose your path. If you utilize the concept of segment intention you would consciously choose a path that aligns with your long-term intentions. As you choose your path in each moment, you speed the process of reaching your destination. Assume you set an intention to achieve financial independence. You have an upcoming meeting with a client that represents a nice financial opportunity. You focus your intention in that segment on having the client commit to a predetermined level of business. In doing this you are essentially setting a goal for an outcome of that segment of your life.

It’s time to start consciously focusing on the direction you want your life to go. Intention setting is a powerful tool you can use to direct your life. Define your destination, get clear about the path to reach it, and commit to driving it forward in every moment possible. If you have thoughts on what has worked for you, send me a note at [email protected]

Posted by Joel Brookman in Direct Your Life, Live from intention, manifest and tagged , .


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