Blog with Joel Brookman

Improve Your Communication

Many of the problems you experience at work and in life can be eliminated if you simply make an effort to improve your communication. Setting ground rules up front is critical for avoiding problems down the road. If you improve your communication, all of your relationships will benefit.

In business partnerships, taking the time to create a partnership agreement can help alleviate problems or provide guidance when they arise. It forces all parties to think through solutions in advance.

When I do coaching work with managers, I always tell them to begin every new employee interaction by setting expectations. It’s tough being a new employee. You normally don’t fully understand the dynamics of the situation you are entering. Most people find it comforting to receive direction immediately. The benefit for the manager is that it provides the opportunity to instill habits and values that will be far more difficult to achieve once an employee becomes set in their ways.

I encourage managers to be strict out of the gate. You can always get more lenient later on. The reverse is far more difficult. It takes 22 days to create a habit. Laying out expectations, then doing some subtle micro-management up front can ensure that good habits are created early. Once those habits are in place the need for micro-management is eliminated.

The next time you bring on a new employee or form a partnership, lay down ground rules so everyone is clear on what’s expected. Work to improve your communication. Let me know how it goes.Business Discussion

Posted by Joel Brookman in Communication and tagged , .


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