Blog with Joel Brookman

High Drama People

Courtesy Flickr Creative Commons

Courtesy Flickr Creative Commons

I’ve made it a goal to avoid drama in my life. I find that things are much easier if you minimize exposure to volatile people and high drama situations. High drama people typically:
• Hold grudges easily
• Stand on ceremony
• Play the victim card
• Gossip
• Actively seek confrontation

These are the same people that break up families, destroy office morale, and ruin friendships.

Think of the high drama people in your life. When you listen to their stories the one common thread is that they are always judging others. In their mind they are the righteous party always taking the moral high ground.

Another commonality among this group is that they always need a villain. If you spend enough time with them, you will eventually become that villain. Depending on how egregious your violation is in their mind, it could last for a week, a year, or a lifetime. The only thing that will shorten your sentence is showing them remorse. This fuels their cause by validating their position and solidifying their moral high ground.

So what’s the answer? Do everything possible to minimize or eliminate your exposure. If you are interviewing someone for a position, look for the signs: complaints about a former employer, blaming others for problems, having excuses for everything. Do everything in your power to ensure these people don’t get into your organization.

If you have high drama relatives, see them only when you must. The more exposure you have, the higher the probability of a conflict developing. Apply the same rule for high drama friends. The nice thing about friends is that you can choose them.

If at any moment you desire more high drama people in your life, just watch an episode of Jerry Springer. You’ll get to see some of the biggest idiots on the planet play the dramatic roles of their lives.

Posted by Joel Brookman in Adjust your mindset, eliminate negativity, judgement, Perspective, Uncategorized and tagged .


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