Blog with Joel Brookman

Find People Who Believe What You Believe

Conflict is something few of us enjoy; yet so often we spend time with those that create conflict in our lives. If instead we made an effort to find people who believe what we believe, and spent our time with those people, think how much easier life would flow, and how much happier we would be.

Have you ever attended an event where a group of like-minded people came together? Remember how amazing it was. Even in business, when you deal with those who believe what you believe, it makes for a much more rewarding experience.

I’m reading a book by Simon Sinek called Start With Why. Sinek discusses a story about Ernest Shackelton, the first person to put together an expedition to cross Antarctica. When Shackelton was searching for people to join the mission, he put an advertisement in the London Times. The ad said, “Men wanted for a hazardous journey, small wages, difficult journey, bitter cold, constant danger, safe return doubtful, honor and recognition in the case of success.” The expedition didn’t succeed. The boat became trapped in the ice and was eventually destroyed. The crew survived nearly three years (before their eventual rescue) in the harshest weather on the planet.  The amazing part is that all 28 crew members made it. The reason they all lived was because they were all survivalists. They took care of each other, had very few morale problems, and it all worked because they were aligned in their beliefs.

The message is simple; find people that believe what you believe. Conflicts go away, the quality of life improves, and you ultimately become a happier person.

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courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons




Posted by Joel Brookman in Uncategorized.


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