Blog with Joel Brookman

Find Your Hammock

Joel on hammock
12 years ago when I bought my house in Palm Beach I immediately joined the club at the Ritz Carlton around the corner. It’s a beautiful place right on the ocean. The hotel became my gym. It also became the entertainment for my children. My favorite spot on the property is the hammock on the Southeast corner of the property. You rarely see people there, and it has a wonderful view of the ocean. Often, after my workout I go spend 10 or 15 minutes on that hammock, watch the sunrise or just close my eyes. I often reach a state of bliss for that short period of time. Then I go back home, shower, and begin my day.

That morning ritual grounds me. No matter what is going on in my world, I am able to shut it down for the 10 minutes I spend on the hammock.

Do you have a hammock? It doesn’t need to be anything elaborate—a comfortable chair on your back porch, a chaise in your bedroom or a scenic nearby park bench. It should be a place that relaxes you and has the power to sweep you away from the challenges of life.

As I write this I am on a flight to Columbus, Ohio to do a presentation tomorrow. The pilot just notified us that the temperature is negative 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Tomorrow morning I will wake up, go to the gym at the Hilton, come back and sit on the chair in my hotel room, and mentally bring myself to that hammock at the Ritz. I will spend 10 minutes there, then I will shower and begin my day in a much better frame of mind than I started, better equipped to handle any challenges that come my way.

Find your hammock. Go there physically or mentally as often as you can. Notice the difference in your temperament throughout the day. Let me know how it works for you and if you have a picture, send it along.

Posted by Joel Brookman in Disconnect, Life balance, meditation, quiet your mind, reduce stress.


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