Latest "stress" Posts

#964 Using Buffers to Reduce Stress

If you’ve ever underestimated a major expense or missed a deadline for not allocating your time properly, you should understand the benefits of using buffers to reduce stress.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Podcasts, reduce stress, stress.

#963 Devote One Hour Each Day to Your Mental and Physical Well-being

Most of us have 16 waking  hours each day. Wouldn’t it make sense to devote one hour each day to your mental and physical well-being? Here are some thoughts on how to get started.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in health, Podcasts, stress.

#916 Eliminating the Stress of Returning from Vacation

Vacations are wonderful. We get a chance to experience new places, spend time with loved ones and recharge. The challenge most of us have is coming back to work after our vacation. Today we discuss ways of eliminating the stress of returning from vacation.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Podcasts, stress, Vacation to Increase Productivity.

#911 Stop Stress Before it Builds

Most of the stress we experience intensifies as we continue to think about it. If you had a way to stop stress before it builds, you could dramatically reduce the effects you experience. Today we discuss techniques for accomplishing this.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Podcasts, stress, Stress Reduction.

#884 If You Want to Reduce Stress Retrain Your Mind to See the Most Probable Outcome

Stress typically comes through the fear of an unfavorable outcome. If you want to reduce stress retrain your mind to see the most probable outcome as opposed to the worst outcome.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in fear, Podcasts, stress.

#878 Stop Worrying About Things You Can’t Control

If you want to reduce stress in your life, identify what you can influence and take the necessary action needed to move things in the direction you desire. It’s also important to get clear about things that you cannot influence. Stop worrying about things you can’t control. It’s an exercise in futility that will cause undo stress in your life.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in control what you can, Podcasts, stress.
