Latest "Stress Reduction" Posts

#1073 This Simple Technique Can Help You Alleviate Stress in Your Life

If you want to alleviate stress in your life you can treat the symptoms or you can focus on the root cause.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in podcasts, Podcasts, reduce stress, stress, Stress Reduction, Surrender.

#1070 Three More Hacks to Help Alleviate your Corona Stress

Uncertainty causes stress. There’s not a person on the planet that isn’t affected by the uncertainty we are facing with this pandemic. We must find some ways to continue to move forward, manage stress, and maintain our optimism. Today we discuss three more hacks to help alleviate your Corona stress.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in podcasts, Podcasts, stress, Stress Reduction.

#1062 Four Ways to Protect Your Emotional Well-Being From Corona

This pandemic has taken a toll on all of us. Those inflicted are dealing with the physical aspect of the virus. The rest of us are dealing with the emotional side of it. We have to find ways to cope and we must realize that within every crisis there are opportunities. On this week’s episode we discuss four ways to protect your emotional well-being from Corona.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Disconnect, minimize negativity, podcasts, Podcasts, quiet your mind, reduce stress, Stress Reduction.

#1046 Today We Discuss How to Extend Your Life

Dedicate 40 minutes a day to your physical and mental well-being.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Exercise, podcasts, Podcasts, Stress Reduction.

#1042 4 Ways to Rein in Your Spending with Minimal Impact on Your Daily Life

If your monthly expenses exceed your income you are destined for hard times at some point in the future. Today we look at 4 ways to rein in your spending with minimal impact on your daily life. If you can create a nest egg you will have greater freedom and less stress in your life.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in podcasts, Podcasts, reduce stress, Stress Reduction, wealth.

#1041 This One Activity Will Improve Your Work Experience, Lower Your Stress and Increase Your Productivity

Today’s idea may sound simple but this one activity will improve your work experience, lower your stress and increase your productivity if you do it.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Podcasts, podcasts, productivity, stress, Stress Reduction, Uncategorized.
