Latest "Storytelling" Posts

Become a Great Storyteller

Storytelling has tremendous benefits for children. It can help them learn language skills, develop their memory and their imagination and can even serve as the delivery mechanism for them to learn history. As adults we sometimes put less importance on our ability to tell a good story. If you become a great storyteller you open yourself up to tremendous opportunities in business and in life.

People are drawn to great storytellers. Telling great stories makes you a more interesting person and puts you in the center of attention in social settings. If you want to attract more friends or potential love interests, telling great stories can be one of the greatest tools you have.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Make people like you, Storytelling, win people over.

#454 Storytelling

People who are great at storytelling open up tremendous opportunities for themselves.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Make people like you, Podcasts, Storytelling, win people over.

#142 Give Someone a Story to Tell

Make an impact on the life of another though your kindness. Give someone a story to tell.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in be kind, Gratitude, happiness, kindness, Positivity, Storytelling, Uncategorized, win people over.

#133 Storytelling

90SecondNavigator-AlbumArt Great communicators get people to hang on their every word. Storytelling is the most effective way to accomplish this.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Communication, Podcasts, Storytelling.
