Latest "Self improvement" Posts

#116 Create Stability In Life

How can you position yourself so you are better prepared for the challenges that come with life? Create stability in life. Here are some thoughts on how to do it.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in balance, Create stability, discipline, Life balance, Podcasts, self control, Self improvement, Take action, Take Control of Your Life.

#114 Appreciate the Benefits of Success

You cannot truly achieve success until you learn to appreciate the benefits of success.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in abundance, Achieve Success, Be present, Enjoy your accomplishments, happiness, Podcasts, Self improvement, success, Uncategorized.

#115 Your Vision of Success

If you don’t take the time to discover your own version of success, your ego will do it for you. …

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Building Lasting Success, Direct Your Life, Ego and Success, Habits create success, happiness, Plan your life, Podcasts, Self improvement, Take Control of Your Life.

#107 Common Sense Diet

90SecondNavigator-AlbumArt People get crazy with fad diets. Before you go over the top, start with a common sense diet then build from there.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Diet, Exercise, ideal weight, Podcasts, Self improvement, weight.

Year End Review

As a life coach, I have found accountability to be a powerful motivator. As we wind down the year, many of us have the chance to step off the proverbial hamster wheel and get out of our daily routines. Take this opportunity to do a personal year end review using some of the tools we have been discussing over the last few weeks. Once you come to what you would like to accomplish, share it with someone that will hold you accountable.

Begin by taking inventory of your life. Are you happy with your work situation? Do you like what you do most days?…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Goal setting, Gratitude, incremental steps toward reaching goals, Plan your life, Self improvement, Take action, Take Control of Your Life, Uncategorized, year end review.

#59 Year End Life Review

The end of the year is the perfect time to do a year end life review. Start by taking inventory of your life. Decide on what you would like to focus on. Create a plan and take action.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Direct Your Life, Enjoy your accomplishments, Increase your productivity, manifest, Podcasts, productivity, Self improvement, Take action, Take Control of Your Life, year end review.
