Latest "Respect People" Posts

#733 Celebrate Diversity

The United States was built on a foundation of people of all races coming together and moving beyond our differences. It’s important to celebrate diversity and not give in to hate.


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Posted by Joel Brookman in kindness, Podcasts, Respect People.

#576 You Can’t Take Back Words

It’s important to think before you speak. If you are angry give yourself a chance to calm down before reacting. You can’t take back words.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in be kind, Podcasts, relationships, Respect People.

Ground Rules


As the parent of a 14-year old girl, I feel that any day now I will be having “that talk” with a boy who will ultimately date her. I think back to my childhood as a boy that was not always as respectful as he could have been to girls. If the parents of the girls I dated had “that talk” with me I might have behaved differently. In life we often find ourselves in a position of authority, where we have the upper hand. There is a fine line from being respected, being feared, and being an asshole. The goal is the former, but sometimes, especially when it comes to teen-aged boys, instilling a little fear by setting some ground rules can be effective.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Communication, expectations drive behavior, Respect People, responsibility.

#526 Respect

90 sec nav 1400x1400-72Treat everyone you encounter with respect.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in kindness, Podcasts, Respect People.

#526 Respect

90 sec nav 1400x1400-72

Having more money or a better education doesn’t make you better than anybody. Treat people respect.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Podcasts, Respect People.

#523 Negative Political Campaigns


Why must we have such negative political campaigns in the U.S.?…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in eliminate negativity, kindness, negative people, Podcasts, Respect People.
