Latest "Plan your life" Posts

#919 Planning Ahead Vs. Making Adjustments Along the Way

We speak frequently about the value of planning. The challenge for some is that planning can turn into something that delays or even prevents execution. While it makes sense to develop a plan for any major endeavor, it’s important to realize that unanticipated things will happen. Today we look at the idea of planning ahead vs. making adjustments along the way.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Plan your life, Podcasts, Uncategorized.

#859 Live Your Life From Intention

You can allow yourself to be a victim of where life takes you or you can choose to live your life from intention.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Direct Your Life, Plan your life, Podcasts.

Design Your Life

My original intention for the work I do for my articles, and the 90 Second Navigator Podcasts, is the realization that you have the ability to design your life. I thought it might make sense to go back to that foundation and discuss the key concepts around creating the life you want.

From the moment I graduated college I told everybody that I would be a millionaire by age 30. I found my opportunity when I started a construction business one year later. It didn’t take long for my entire self-worth to become wrapped into this business. Within two years I had 30 employees and I was on my way.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Direct Your Life, Plan your life, success, Uncategorized.

#667 Make Preparations for End of Life

You never know when your last day will be. If you have a family you owe it to them to make preparations for end of life.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Plan your life, Podcasts, preparation.

#666 Create a Living Will

It’s not right to force your family to make the most difficult decisions on your behalf. Create a living will.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Plan your life, Podcasts.

#665 Gifting While You are Alive

Most people wait until they pass before having their belongings gifted to their loved ones. Why not consider doing some of that gifting while you are alive?…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in give of yourself, legacy, Plan your life, Podcasts.
