Latest "Perspective" Posts

#617 Staying Centered Is The Best Defense Against Life’s Challenges

You never know what you will face in life. Staying centered is the best defense against life’s challenges.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in balance, happiness, Perspective, Podcasts, protect yourself, success.

#616 Exercise and Meditation

If your desire is to get centered, exercise and meditation are two of the most effective ways to get there.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in balance, Exercise, happiness, meditation, Perspective, success.

#613 Aligning Your Life

If your car is out of alignment it has a tendency to pull to one side and ultimately steer you off course. When we talk about aligning your life it’s about putting yourself in the optimum position to handle challenges that come your way.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in balance, happiness, Perspective, Podcasts, protect yourself, success.

Stay Centered

One of the fundamentals to achieving a consistent state of happiness and success is the ability to stay centered across all aspects of your life—family, business, relationships, and leisure time. Being centered means you are managing things from the proper vantage point. Alpine Ski instructors will always tell you to get into a position that makes you most resistant to being knocked off your feet: knees slightly bent, leaning forward, legs shoulder length apart. If you unexpectedly encounter challenging terrain, you are in the best position to handle it. This is an ideal analogy for life. If you stay centered you are in the best position to take on anything life throws your way.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in balance, happiness, Perspective, protect yourself, stress, Uncategorized.

#564 Existence

Your existence is bigger than anything you can comprehend.


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Posted by Joel Brookman in personal growth, Perspective, Podcasts.

#560 Reframe

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When you find yourself in a situation that is causing you to get uptight, see if you can reframe it and see your predicament from a fresh perspective.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Adjust your mindset, Perspective, Podcasts.
