Latest "manifest" Posts

#317 Act As If

90SecondNavigator-AlbumArtIf you want to manifest something in your life act as if you have already attained it.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in manifest, Podcasts.

#301 Believe

90SecondNavigator-AlbumArt In order to reach a goal you must believe it is possible.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Goal setting, manifest, Podcasts.

#59 Year End Life Review

The end of the year is the perfect time to do a year end life review. Start by taking inventory of your life. Decide on what you would like to focus on. Create a plan and take action.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Direct Your Life, Enjoy your accomplishments, Increase your productivity, manifest, Podcasts, productivity, Self improvement, Take action, Take Control of Your Life, year end review.

#58 Take Action to Achieve Desires

Clarity and visualization are critical but in the end you must take action to achieve desires.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Live from intention, manifest, Podcasts, Take action, Take Control of Your Life, The To Do List, Uncategorized.

#56 Visualize Your Desired Outcome

90SecondNavigator-AlbumArt Once you have identified and researched what you would like to be, do, or have, the next step is to visualize your desired outcome. …

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Direct Your Life, incremental steps toward reaching goals, manifest, Podcasts, Uncategorized, vision board, Visualization.

Deliberate Creation

Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you are right.” Our incredibly powerful subconscious mind processes not only our thoughts, but also our corresponding emotions. The subconscious mind accepts our ideas and thoughts as true – regardless of whether they are positive or negative. Once your thoughts and emotions are in sync, the subconscious mind works to make our ideas happen. As you learn to harness this power you can begin the process of deliberate creation.

Have you ever spent time worrying about a situation, so sure that the outcome would be disastrous? Then, when that worst-case scenario actually happens, you’re the first one to shout, “See?…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in manifest, vision board, your thoughts create your reality.
