Latest "incremental steps toward reaching goals" Posts

#108 Calorie Allowance

If you are trying to reach your ideal weight, consider the idea of giving yourself a daily calorie allowance.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Diet, Exercise, Goal setting, ideal weight, incremental steps toward reaching goals, Podcasts, Take Control of Your Life, Uncategorized, weight.

Year End Review

As a life coach, I have found accountability to be a powerful motivator. As we wind down the year, many of us have the chance to step off the proverbial hamster wheel and get out of our daily routines. Take this opportunity to do a personal year end review using some of the tools we have been discussing over the last few weeks. Once you come to what you would like to accomplish, share it with someone that will hold you accountable.

Begin by taking inventory of your life. Are you happy with your work situation? Do you like what you do most days?…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Goal setting, Gratitude, incremental steps toward reaching goals, Plan your life, Self improvement, Take action, Take Control of Your Life, Uncategorized, year end review.

#57 Feel Your Desired Outcome

Once you identify what you want, educate yourself on what it will take. Visualize it in your mind and feel your desired outcome.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in incremental steps toward reaching goals, Live from intention, Podcasts, Self improvement, Take Control of Your Life, Uncategorized, your thoughts create your reality.

#56 Visualize Your Desired Outcome

90SecondNavigator-AlbumArt Once you have identified and researched what you would like to be, do, or have, the next step is to visualize your desired outcome. …

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Direct Your Life, incremental steps toward reaching goals, manifest, Podcasts, Uncategorized, vision board, Visualization.

Celebrate the Small Wins

I was trying to help my daughter Sarah study for an algebra exam (truth be told, I wasn’t much help as I have forgotten how to do most of it). She was overwhelmed by the complexity and time it took to complete each equation, coupled with the sheer amount of problems she had to solve. To her credit she was methodically going through her material and figuring it out step by step (without much help from her father). Despite her successes along the way, she couldn’t stop focusing on how much she still had to do. I took this opportunity to teach her the importance of why to celebrate the small wins.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Achieve Success, Direct Your Life, Goal setting, incremental steps toward reaching goals.

Change Requires Motivation

If you’ve been following my blogs, I suspect you have made a commitment to change something in your life. Whether it’s our health, relationships, career, or spiritual development, we all seek a better life. The real question is, what are we willing to do to make that change happen? We know changes to ones health require consistent exercise and a disciplined diet. But breaking old, bad habits can be difficult and change requires motivation.

What helps? Defining your motivation. Lack of motivation actually takes several forms. Even when you state an intention for a specific change, you can have a sense of guilt, fear, or even regret associated with that change.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Change, Create habits, Habits create success, incremental steps toward reaching goals, Take Control of Your Life, Uncategorized, vision board.
