Latest "Find your passion" Posts

#234 Prepare For Your Transition

90SecondNavigator-AlbumArt If you are set on leaving your job to start something new, just be sure you prepare for the transition.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Achieve Success, Direct Your Life, Find your passion, Plan your life, Podcasts.

Enjoy Your Work

Do you enjoy your work or are you the person that counts down the minutes until you can leave and go home each day? Are you waiting for the moment when you can retire? Do you see work as a grind?

The majority of your waking hours are spent at work. If you get no satisfaction out of what you do each day, you need to either reframe your situation, or change what you’re doing. I know this is easy to say and difficult to implement, but it begins with a decision. You can choose to continue with a work life you don’t enjoy or you can begin to explore other options that can help you enjoy your work.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in attitude, Find your passion, Plan your life.

#203 Maintaining Balance

90SecondNavigator-AlbumArt If you truly want to live for you, maintaining balance in life is critical.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in balance, discipline, Find your passion, happiness, Life balance, Plan your life, Podcasts, work life balance.

#202 Priorities

90SecondNavigator-AlbumArt Living for yourself requires setting priorities in your life.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in balance, Find your passion, happiness, Podcasts, Take Control of Your Life, Uncategorized.

#201 Responsibilities Get In the Way

90SecondNavigator-AlbumArt Responsibilities get in the way of doing what we want, when we want. Despite that, you must make the time to do the activities you love. …

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Find your passion, Podcasts.

Live For You

sarah ski
What do you love doing so much that when you’re doing it, and someone asks you what you’d rather be doing, there is nothing else? The thought of it ending disheartens you. For me it’s skiing, live music, experiencing new places, and spending quality time with my family (when everyone is in a good mood). Take a moment and pinpoint what they are for you.

Many of us go through life not taking advantage of the things we love to do as often as we should. It’s usually because life takes over. We have responsibilities at work, at home and many of us are taking care of others.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Find your passion, happiness, Life balance, Live in the moment, Uncategorized.
