Latest "experiences" Posts

#1183 If Happiness is Your Goal Find Ways to Have Great Experiences with Amazing People

As you look back at the greatest moments of your life, chances are you were sharing an experience with someone special. It’s never when you bought something for yourself or you stayed home to relax and watch TV. If happiness is your goal find ways to have great experiences with amazing people. In the end it’s about being in the moment while the event is occurring then savoring that memory for a lifetime.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in experiences, happiness, Podcasts, podcasts.

#1171 Six Expensive Things That Will Enhance Your Life

Research suggests that we derive more happiness from spending money on experiences than we do if we spend that money on things. Today’s discussion looks at six expensive things that will enhance your life. What we’re shooting for are those “things” that you buy that drive greater experiences in your life. After listing, please share any additions that you would add to the list.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in experiences, happiness, Podcasts, podcasts.

#1167 If You Want to Experience More Happiness You Need to Collect Three Things

This week’s discussion focuses on the greatest drivers of happiness. If you want to experience more happiness you need to collect three things.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in experiences, happiness, Podcasts, podcasts, relationships.

#1153 If You Want Greater Happiness Spend More on Experiences and Less on Things

Western culture has brought about an infatuation with stuff. The harder we work, the more successful we become, the more stuff we can buy. Our houses get bigger, our cars get faster and our monthly expenses grow to reflect our increased consumption. The question we should be asking is, do we have enough left over to spend on the experiences that we are passionate about? In the end those experiences will drive far more happiness than the stuff. Nobody sits on their death bed wishing they had accumulated more stuff, but many wish for the experiences that they never had.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in experiences, happiness, podcasts, Podcasts.

#1095 Simple Steps to Create an Amazing Life

No one knows when they’re last day will be so it’s important to take every opportunity to create incredible experiences. Today we outline simple steps to create an amazing life.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in appreciation, experiences, happiness, podcasts, Podcasts.

#1093 Break Up the Monotony of COVID by Planning Your Next Life Experience Now

When you’re having a difficult time, it’s important to have something to look forward to. Since we’re all living through a pandemic, what if you could break up the monotony of COVID by planning your next experience now?




















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Posted by Joel Brookman in experiences, Podcasts, podcasts.
