Latest "Direct your mind" Posts

#1149 Decide Who You Want to Be and Rewrite Your Personal Narrative to Reflect It

Each of us is a reflection of our own personal self-talk. If you tell yourself that you’re not good at an activity or you that you lack certain skills because of something that happened to you earlier in life, your subconscious mind takes it as truth. We all have the ability to feed what we want to our subconscious mind. If you do it long enough you will succeed in overwriting the negative programming and replacing it with self-talk the reinforces who you would like to be.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Choose who you want to be, Direct Your Life, Direct your mind, podcasts, Podcasts, Uncategorized.

#1009 Stop Giving Attention to Your Negative Thoughts

If you want to reduce stress in your life stop giving attention to your negative thoughts. When they come into your mind, observe them and then let go.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Direct your mind, Podcasts, podcasts, stress.

#996 Maintaining a Positive Mindset When Life Becomes Challenging

No matter how great life is there are still challenges that arise. The question is how do you deal with them? The key is to find ways of maintaining a positive mindset when life becomes challenging. Today’s discussion focuses on how to overcome adversity.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in appreciation, Direct your mind, podcasts, Podcasts.

#986 Focus Your Attention on What Makes You Happy

Each of us has the ability to direct our mind. It’s a proven fact that people that focus on positive things live happier, more fulfilling lives. Today we discuss thoughts on maintaining the discipline to focus your attention on what makes you happy.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Direct your mind, Gratitude, happiness, podcasts, Podcasts.

#979 You Have the Ability to Direct Your Mind

The choice is not whether you have the ability to direct your mind, it’s whether you choose to use this ability. Today we discuss ways of reigning in your mind so that you stay focused on the thoughts that move you forward.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Direct your mind, podcasts, Podcasts, stress, Uncategorized.

#850 Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Don’t let the difficult experiences of your past determine who you are today. Look forward to where you want to go and stay focused on getting there. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Choose who you want to be, Direct your mind, overcoming limiting beliefs, Podcasts.
