Latest "Change" Posts


Sarah GraduationAs creatures of habit people often have a difficult time moving from one part of life to another. We resist the inevitable by fighting against transitions. Why, because transitions take us out of our comfort zone.

The first step in dealing with transitions is acceptance. I have a friend who worked in tech support for a Fortune 500 company. The company decided to try outsourcing some of their support functions to India. Little by little people around him were being let go. He refused to believe that it would happen to him. He just continued to justify his position in his mind, and came up with reasons why they wouldn’t outsource the entire department.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in accept what is, Can't see the whole picture, Change, Surrender.

#464 Acceptance

90 sec nav 1400x1400-72

The first step in dealing with life’s transitions is acceptance.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in accept what is, Change, Podcasts, resistance.

#433 Accept Change

90 sec nav 1400x1400-72 Want to reduce anxiety and become more successful in life? Learn to accept change.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in accept what is, Change, Podcasts, success.

#432 Fail Quickly

90 sec nav 1400x1400-72 If things aren’t going well in an endeavor you have taken on, it often makes sense to fail quickly and cut your losses.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Change, Podcasts, setbacks.

#431 Gradual Change

90 sec nav 1400x1400-72Change is difficult for most people especially if it’s abrupt. If you are in a position to dictate change for others aim for gradual change.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Change, Podcasts.

#430 Innovation

90 sec nav 1400x1400-72 The ability to change when things are going well leads to innovation.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Change, Podcasts.
