Latest "Achieve Success" Posts

Prevent a Midlife Crisis

One of my favorite movies is American Beauty. Kevin Spacey plays the role of an incredibly boring husband and father with a monotonous job he hates. He wakes up one day to realize how mundane his life has become. He then proceeds to quit his job, buy a car he’s always wanted, leave his wife, and rid himself of all responsibilities.

What causes a midlife crisis? The point comes when we realize that we have more days behind than ahead. This prompts a life assessment resulting in the realization that either something is missing, or there should be more. There are ways to prevent a midlife crisis.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Achieve Success, Choose who you want to be, Direct Your Life, follow your passion.

#731 Create the Business You Want Without Sacrificing Financial Security

We’ve all heard stories of the people that risk everything to follow their passions on a business venture. What if you could create the business you want without sacrificing financial security?…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Achieve Success, Diversify your income stream, follow your passion, Monetize your passion, Podcasts.

#556 Take Initiative or Become a Victim

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You can choose to take control of you destiny or put yourself at the mercy of external factors. Take initiative or become a victim.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Achieve Success, Adjust your mindset, Choose who you want to be, Podcasts.

#555 Lack of Initiative is Stagnation

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If you want to get ahead in life you need to be proactive. Lack of initiative is stagnation.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Achieve Success, Exceed Expectations, Podcasts, success.

Get More Done

Productivity is a critical element to success. Since the hours we have each day are finite, we must continually find ways to get more done within the time we have.

Begin each day with a clear mind. Nobody wants to start the day stressed out.
When we have a lot on our minds it can be difficult not to experience stress upon waking. That stress can stifle creativity by putting you in a state of fear. There are also countless health related issues that can result through the suffering of daily stress. Find ways to mitigate that stress. Start by getting things out of your mind and down on paper.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in accomplish more, Achieve Success, get more done, productivity, success, Uncategorized.

Things I’ve Learned the Hard Way

I’m now in my 48th year on the planet and like most people at this stage of life, there are a few things I’ve learned the hard way.

1. Few people recover completely from deep-rooted emotional trauma. Early in my adult life I was involved with a woman that had major emotional challenges growing up. These were the types of challenges that could land you on an Oprah episode. I thought I could be the knight in shining armor. After all, I had an idyllic upbringing and I thought I could help her. I learned that these types of issues don’t go away.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Achieve Success, control what you can, protect yourself, success.
