Latest "abundance" Posts

#1121 Remove Emotion From Your Financial Decisions

The wealthiest people I know have something in common, they don’t get attached to non-living things. This allows for the discipline to sell things like houses and cars when opportunities in the market present themselves. Today’s discussion centers on how to remove emotion from your financial decisions.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in abundance, podcasts, Podcasts, success.

#1121 Remove Emotion From Your Financial Decisions

The wealthiest people I know have something in common, they don’t get attached to non-living things. This allows for the discipline to sell things like houses and cars when opportunities in the market present themselves. Today’s discussion centers on how to remove emotion from your financial decisions.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in abundance, podcasts, Podcasts, success.

#860 Purging Your Stuff

There’s nothing more refreshing than clearing away clutter. So often we collect things throughout our lives and we find places to put all that stuff. Before long the thought of going through that stuff becomes overwhelming. Why not take the opportunity to purge your stuff, or at least some of it. In the process you may find an opportunity for giving. Certainly there are some things you’re holding on to that others could benefit from having.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in abundance, Podcasts, reduce stress.

#816 Financial Security

It’s difficult to be fulfilled if you are struggling financially. If you apply some discipline to your spending, you can eventually get to a point of financial security.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in abundance, Goal setting, Podcasts, success.

Control Your Spending

When was the last time you took a close look at your personal balance sheet? Do you have a very clear idea how much of your money is coming in each month and just as importantly, how much is going out? What is your monthly nut? How much does it cost you to run your life, all in, per month? How much is coming in each month? Mission one: if you earn a living wage and you consistently have more going out than coming in, it is time control your spending. Start with your bills and look for the least painful ways to shave some monthly expenses.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in abundance, manage expenses, wealth.

#662 Generosity Drives Abundance

The more you give away, the more things come back to you. Generosity drives abundance.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in abundance, Podcasts.
