Blog with Joel Brookman

Be More Productive | Joel Brookman

How industrious are you? Do you wish you could get more done?  Can you be more productive?

In the early 1900’s Charles Schwab (left), the head of the Bethlehem Steel, hired Ivy Lee, a well-known consultant and asked him to help his organization be more productive. When they got to the issue of how Lee would be compensated, Lee suggested that Schwab should pay him what he thinks his services are worth. After 3 months, Schwab sent Lee a check for $35,000. Keep in mind at that time, the average house sold for just over $2000, and the typical worker was making less than $2 per day.

So what did Ivy Lee do to receive the equivalent of a million dollars today for only 3 months of work? He met with every key executive at Bethlehem Steel and handed each one simple task: “Before you leave for the day, make a list of the top 6 things you want to accomplish tomorrow. When you arrive in the morning, start with #1 and don’t do anything else until you complete task #1. Next start #2 and do the same thing. Whatever you don’t finish add to your list for tomorrow.” He had each executive make a commitment to do this for 90 days.

Within 5 years Bethlehem Steel had become the largest Independent Steel Manufacturer in the world and Charles Schwab had amassed over $100 million dollars.

Sometimes the simplest ideas can have the greatest impact.

Homework: Contemplate how you can be more productive. Create a to do list. Prioritize each task in order of importance. Start at the top and work your way down.

Posted by Joel Brookman in accomplish more, Increase your productivity, productivity and tagged , , , , .


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