Blog with Joel Brookman

Deliberate Creation

Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you are right.” Our incredibly powerful subconscious mind processes not only our thoughts, but also our corresponding emotions. The subconscious mind accepts our ideas and thoughts as true – regardless of whether they are positive or negative. Once your thoughts and emotions are in sync, the subconscious mind works to make our ideas happen. As you learn to harness this power you can begin the process of deliberate creation.

Have you ever spent time worrying about a situation, so sure that the outcome would be disastrous? Then, when that worst-case scenario actually happens, you’re the first one to shout, “See? I told you that would happen!” That is precisely because your subconscious manifested that outcome – you created the self-fulfilling prophecy. The subconscious mind simply does what it’s told.

Since you can’t live a positive life with a negative mind, vision boards are a wonderful way to consistently plant positive, desired images into your subconscious. Your vision board should have actual images of exactly what you want. Focus on short and long-term goals: fitness, work, relationships, homes, cars, travel, etc. Download images and quotes from the internet, cut out pictures from magazines, and even draw pictures or write down favorite quotes yourself.

While a vision board can be created on your computer, I prefer to have a physical board that your subconscious and conscious mind see throughout the day. You can post it on your bathroom mirror, attach it to your refrigerator, or display it on your desk. Many years ago, I purchased a digital frame that allowed me to plug in a memory card. I downloaded numerous images from the internet and added some of my own as well. All of the images represented the life I intended to create. While I sat at my desk working, those images rotated over and over. It didn’t matter that I wasn’t staring at the frame while I was working. The images were in my peripheral vision, my subconscious mind absorbed them for hours each day.

It wasn’t an accident that within one year, I closed on a ski house. Digital images of ski homes were prominently featured on my digital vision board.

While your mind cannot tell the difference between the physical dream car and the one you imagine yourself driving, it is critical to ensure that every time you see that car on the road, or on your board, that you invoke the emotions of having that car right now. If you align any image with the mindset of actually having it, your subconscious mind will work to make that happen.

There are no limits to your desired goals and intent. Decide on what your goals are. Create your board today. As life changes, so will your board. Don’t worry about how you are going to make them happen, just know and believe that they will happen. Trust the process. Trust your mind. Deliberate creation really happens when you have done all you need to do – decide, visualize, resonate. Create the “you” you were meant to be.

Courtesy Flickr Creative Commons

Courtesy Flickr Creative Commons

Posted by Joel Brookman in manifest, vision board, your thoughts create your reality.


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