Latest "positive reinforcement" Posts

#185 Choose Labels Wisely

Be smart about the labels you accept for yourself and choose for others. They can have a significant impact. Choose labels wisely.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Choose who you want to be, empowerment, Podcasts, positive reinforcement, Self improvement, self talk.

#184 Expectations Drive Behavior

If you convey positive expectations to yourself or those around you, you will see a positive response. Expectations drive behavior.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Direct Your Life, Direct your mind, empowerment, expectations drive behavior, judgement, limiting Beliefs, Podcasts, Positive Attitude, positive reinforcement, Positivity.

#77 Positive Attention

90SecondNavigator-AlbumArt Positive attention is all about complimenting people on things you know they take pride in.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in influence people, Make people like you, managing people, Podcasts, positive reinforcement.

Focus on the Positive

I was on a flight from New York to West Palm the other night. I helped the couple next to me (who were in their 60’s), put a suitcase in the overhead compartment. As soon as we sat, the pilot made an announcement about a long delay due to a mechanical issue with one of the engines. The woman immediately began complaining. She blamed the airline for incompetence. She proceeded to vent for at least 15 minutes. Through our discussion I found out that she was going back to Florida to an empty house. She hadn’t even made a connection from anywhere else.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in eliminate negativity, Positive Attitude, positive reinforcement, Positivity, reduce stress, your thoughts create your reality.

Positive Reinforcement

Author Simon Sinek stated that “When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.” Positive reinforcement can help cement that emotional investment.

Every day we thank complete strangers for their attention and kindness: the person in front of you holding open a door, a waitress for refilling your coffee, or even a bystander offering to take that family picture of you with your own camera. So why is it so hard for some managers and business owners to say “thank you” to their own employees for a job well done?

The reality is that just giving an employee a pay check is not a “thank you.”…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Positive Attitude, positive reinforcement, productivity.
