Blog with Joel Brookman

Savor the Moments

So often we get caught up in the destination but neglect the ride. Why not savor the moments along the way? To truly savor those moments we must be present. Being present means not thinking about what happened during the day or what you must do tomorrow. It’s about being in the moment.

Take mental snapshots of the good things. Every night I’m home, I put my kids to bed. I savor those moments. My 14 year old is at a stage where she is self-sufficient and no longer wants to be tucked in by her parents. At 11, my youngest still appreciates it. During her bedtime routine we talk about everything happening in her life. We discuss what we will do for fun at our next opportunity, she tells me how much she loves me, and gives me gigantic hugs. I realize that in a blink of an eye she will be a teenager and that routine will change. I force myself to be present when it’s happening. It’s as if I’m taking mental snapshots along the way.

Screens—screens disconnect us from each other. While you might be present with what you are doing on your tablet, phone, or computer, you are disconnected from everything around you. My wife used to give me a hard time because I would be absorbed in my ipad and disconnected from my family. I now make an effort to be present when they are around. Unfortunately, my children are now the ones with their faces in a screen. We all think we can multitask. Multitasking is a myth. Humans are not capable of doing two things well at once. One or both tasks will suffer in the process of trying to do two. There is a time to be focused on a screen and a time to present with those around you. Be present with people when you have the opportunity, and save screen time for when you’re alone.

One-on-one time—Nothing connects you more than uninterrupted one-on-one time. Every weekend I have a date night with my wife. We typically spend that time eating out, just the two of us. It gives us the opportunity to reconnect after a long week dealing with work and family obligations. My wife and I also strive to spend one-on-one time with our children. Each of us plans to have a date night with one of the kids. There are no screens allowed and it gives us the ability to bond. I have no doubt that I have a stronger relationship with my girls because of the date night ritual.

Pets—If you have a dog or cat, its life revolves around waiting for you to get home. Do you take the time to be present with your pet? How about walking your dog? If you are lucky enough to be in a place where you can be in nature on your walk, are you tuning into the beauty around you: the foliage, the views, the sounds and smells? In order to tune in you must be present. If you are thinking about your confrontation at work, or the things you must do when you get back home, you are not tuned into your surroundings. Being in nature has a meditative effect. It’s good for your mind and the exercise is good for your body.

Life is a series of moments. Savor those moments, as each is unique. Think about what you can do to be more present in these moments. Remember, it’s not the destination. It is the experience along the way that makes for an amazing life. Savor the moments.

Posted by Joel Brookman in appreciation, Be present, happiness.


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