Blog with Joel Brookman

Have Something to Look Forward To

I am spending this week on a family vacation in Cape Cod. Every year my (78 year old) father rents an incredible house somewhere in the US. My two brothers, along with all of our wives and children, get together (16 of us in total).

As I mentioned in an earlier video, my father is an amazing guy. Statistically, he shouldn’t be here. He’s had cardio vascular disease since his mid-thirties, has survived two heart attacks, three open-heart surgeries, and recently beat prostate cancer. He also has a plethora of other ailments that you’d never know about unless you spent time in the same house with him.

If you ask him why he is still alive, he’ll tell you that he always has something to look forward to. You see, my parents spend at least two months every year travelling the world. If he books a trip, he has to be around to enjoy it. Not being around to take the trip is not an option. It is literally the reason he is alive today.

So many of us live our lives and get caught up on the proverbial treadmill. It’s so important to break the monotony and always have things to look forward to.

So I ask you, at this moment, do you have something to look forward to? If you cannot answer the question then your homework is obvious—plan it now. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive or exotic, just something you really want to do that you can look forward to doing. It may just help you succeed in extending your life.

Posted by Joel Brookman in Anticipation and tagged , .


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