Blog with Joel Brookman

Find Your Niche

Courtesy Flickr Creative Commons

Courtesy Flickr Creative Commons

Have you ever stopped to consider why you do what you do? In other words, why did you pick your career, your industry, your hobbies, your sport? Usually, people spend their free time doing things they really enjoy. Money aside, people are drawn to careers after realizing where their talents lie. This is their niche. The most successful people, products, or companies rarely try to be everything to everyone. They succeed by discovering their niche, then creating an opportunity within that niche. How can you find your niche?

Finding your niche in life and in business can be easier than you think. You simply have to answer a few questions:
What do I like to do?
What do I not like to do?
What am I good at?
Where do I have the most experience?
What is my target market?
Who values my services?
How can I monetize my product/service/idea?
Does the potential financial reward justify the investment of the time and resources needed?
Do I have the time and resources to move forward? If not, what can I do to create what I need?

Years ago when Apple was having challenges competing with the PC, they knew they had one very distinct advantage. The Mac was a significantly better tool for desktop publishing. Focusing on that niche helped them to attract a segment that became a foundation of loyal users. As Apple continued to innovate, their niche broadened. The message here: find your niche, focus on that segment, create loyal fans, then expand out.

Posted by Joel Brookman in find your niche, Find your passion.


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