Blog with Joel Brookman

Direct Your Life: Part 11 Take Control of Your Life

We have now gone through the steps to help you to direct your life. In order to be successful in this endeavor, it is critical for you to take control of your life. This means you must take responsibility for everything that happens to you. Blaming others is simply giving away your control. If someone else dictates where your life is going, you become a victim with no power. We will take a deep dive on this concept in a future blog.

I have broken down our “Direct your life” series of blogs to 8 critical steps:

  1. Accept full responsibility for everything that happens in your life.
  2. Make the commitment to decide what you want in life.
  3. Write down those items that you would be willing to change your life in order to accomplish.
  4. Plan the steps you would have to take every day, week, month, and year, to reach those goals.
  5. Set personal rewards for reaching specific hurdles along the way.
  6. Execute on your plan.
  7. Ritualize the ongoing activities associated with getting you where you want to go.
  8. Visualize and feel the outcome the way you would like it to be. Have confidence in knowing that you will achieve what you have set forth, or even something better.

This is not easy, but it’s also not difficult. It comes down to structure and discipline. It has been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result.  If your life situation is not where you would like it to be, it’s time to take control. Direct your life!

Posted by Joel Brookman in Adjust Your Sails, Building Lasting Success, Create habits, Direct Your Life, Habits create success, Plan your life and tagged , , , .


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