Latest "Monetize your passion" Posts

#159 Manage Expenses

90SecondNavigator-AlbumArt We have been discussing retirement all week. Today we take a look at ways to manage expenses so that you can begin to move in your desired direction.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in discipline, Life balance, manage expenses, Monetize your passion, Podcasts, retire, wealth.

#137 Your Full Earning Potential

Are you positioned to reach your full earning potential? …

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Achieve Success, Bring Value, get paid for your value, highest and best use of time, Increase your productivity, Life balance, Monetize your passion, Podcasts, productivity, Scale your business.

Uncover the Passion

Years ago when I was in a sales role, I was having difficulty getting to a very large prospect. He had an assistant who was his gatekeeper. She was very controlling, ornery, and had that mother hen type personality. I decided that the only way I was going to get anywhere was to win her over. That became my mission. I knew I would have to find something she was passionate about in order to make the connection. I began by looking around the cubicle she worked in to observe pictures or items on display. If someone uses the limited office space they have to display something unrelated to work, there is a very high probability that it represents something for which they have a passion.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Diversify your income stream, Find your passion, influence people, Monetize your passion.

Monetize Your Passion

I talk to so many people that are counting down the days until retirement. While I understand the concept, I find myself feeling sad for them. If you truly love what you do every day, in a sense, you are already retired.

I am fortunate to be passionate about my work. That’s no accident. It’s the byproduct of a conscious decision, extreme focus, discipline and drive. It hasn’t always been this way, but I’ve learned that if you truly want to monetize your passion, you must decide what you love to do professionally, figure out how you are going to get there, and execute every day until you’re doing it.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Adjust your mindset, Get things done, Monetize your passion, Plan your life, Self improvement, Take Control of Your Life.
