Latest "give of yourself" Posts

#892 Take Care of Yourself Before You Engage in Voluntary Activities

So many people live life taking care of others and neglecting themselves. Today we look at ways to take care of yourself before you engage in voluntary activities.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in balance, give of yourself, Life balance, Podcasts, Take Control of Your Life.

#672 Making a Difference in the Life of Others

True success is making a difference in the life of others.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in give of yourself, how you will be remembered, Podcasts, success.

#671 Providing Guidance to Others and Receiving Guidance for Yourself

Making an impact in the life of another usually means that you are providing guidance.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in give of yourself, influence people, Podcasts.

#668 Impacting Others

Many people see success in terms of money or possessions. I invite you to measure success on how you have done at impacting others in a positive way.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in give of yourself, Podcasts, success.

Impacting the Life of Others

As I write this article, I am sitting in a chair next to my father, as he lies in the intensive care unit in the hospital. It’s been less than two weeks since he was diagnosed with the most severe form of Leukemia.

The outpouring from well-wishers and the notes he has received have been extraordinary. My mother just showed me his email inbox. There must be 100 notes from people whose lives he’s impacted. I’m in awe of all the individuals that see him as a mentor or father figure. How could he have made such a dramatic impact in the lives of so many?…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in give of yourself, win people over.

#665 Gifting While You are Alive

Most people wait until they pass before having their belongings gifted to their loved ones. Why not consider doing some of that gifting while you are alive?…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in give of yourself, legacy, Plan your life, Podcasts.
