Latest "control your thoughts" Posts

#49 Direct Your Mind

90SecondNavigator-AlbumArt Many of us simply accept that we can’t control our thoughts. While control is a strong word I would submit that you have the ability to direct your mind. …

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Posted by Joel Brookman in control your thoughts, Direct your mind, Podcasts.

How Can You Minimize Negativity In Your Life? | Joel Brookman


In my book, Adjust Your Sails, we discuss how the energy around us influences our mood and in turn, our general well being.

Begin by examining the people you spend your time with. How do they make you feel? For each individual, do you feel better or worse after your interaction? Do they drain or invigorate your energy?

Are there things you expose yourself to that make you feel worse afterwards? Do you get riled up after listening to talk radio? Are there shows you watch on TV that negatively affect your mood?

There are 7 billion people on the planet.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Adjust Your Sails, control your thoughts, Direct Your Life, eliminate negativity, Habits create success, minimize negativity, Take Control of Your Life, Uncategorized.

Take Control of Your Thoughts | Joel Brookman

We all understand the concept of conditioning our bodies regardless of whether we choose to do it or not. It essentially comes down to diet and exercise. If we do not exercise and have no regard for our diet, it can ultimately lead to poor physical health.

What about conditioning the mind? Might I suggest that if we don’t condition our mind it can lead to poor mental health? I’m not proposing that you will have psychosis or mental illness, just the inability to take control of your thoughts.

We all have inner dialogue. Most of us tend to play stories in our mind over and over again.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Adjust Your Sails, Building Lasting Success, control your thoughts, Create habits, Direct Your Life, Plan your life.
