Latest "Choose who you want to be" Posts

#900 When Bad Times Become Life Lessons

Some of our most profound growth comes through self-discovery. This type of learning is can be the most difficult especially as we are enduring difficult circumstances. Today we discuss situations when bad times become life lessons. The question is, are you putting those lessons into practice?

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Can't see the whole picture, Choose who you want to be, Podcasts.

#850 Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Don’t let the difficult experiences of your past determine who you are today. Look forward to where you want to go and stay focused on getting there. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Choose who you want to be, Direct your mind, overcoming limiting beliefs, Podcasts.

#826 Live From Intention

Don’t become a victim of your circumstances. Choose to live from intention.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Choose who you want to be, Direct Your Life, Live from intention, Podcasts.

#817 Becoming the Person You Want to Be

Becoming the person you want to be requires an understanding of where you are and a decision of where you want to go.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Choose who you want to be, Direct Your Life, Podcasts.

#813 How You Became the Person You Are

As you evaluate your life, take a look at how you became the person you are and the effects those pivotal life moments have had on you.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Choose who you want to be, Direct your mind, Podcasts.

Be the Person You Want to Be

I’m turning 50 this week and I’m looking back at my life wondering how it moved so quickly. Probability suggests that I have more days behind than ahead. This causes me to look at where I am in life and ask several questions: How did I become the person I am today? What were the pivotal moments in my life? Am I satisfied with who I am and what I’ve done? Once you have a deep understanding of how you arrived at this point in your life, you are in a better position to direct yourself to be the person you want to be.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Choose who you want to be, Direct Your Life, happiness, Uncategorized.
