Blog with Joel Brookman

Live Life With No Regrets

I’ve spent the last week on my family reunion. We were supposed to be in Lake Como, Italy, but since my father was diagnosed with Leukemia we decided to stay in the US. We chose Mystic, Connecticut, because it was close to my parents house in Providence and my brother has a house there. This trip was special as my father had officially surpassed the time frame for the prognosis given by his doctor. As I watched him interact with his children and grandchildren, I realize that he has accomplished something few people have. He has reached a place of peace and contentment in virtually every aspect of his life. He faces his final days knowing that he was able to live life with no regrets. How can you ensure that you live life with no regrets?

Resolve disputes with important people in your life

If you are having a dispute with a family member, how would you feel if you never had an opportunity to resolve your disagreement? Relinquish your need to be right. Be the bigger person and do what’s necessary to make peace with those that matter.

Tell loved ones how you feel about them

Certain people have a difficult time sharing their feelings. This is certainly more prevalent in men. While I understand the vulnerability in putting yourself out there, things left unsaid lead to regrets down the road. Take the opportunity to tell important people how you feel about them.

Do what you yearn to do while you are able

So often people put off their passions for another day. If there is something you’ve always wanted to do, make the arrangements now. Start planning that European trip you’ve always wanted to take. Follow your passions.

Create the business you want without sacrificing your financial security

We’ve all heard the horror story of the person that losses his house because he quit his job to take on a new business endeavor. Perhaps he could have found a way to start that business before giving up his job. If your business passion is different from what you currently do for work, start to lay the groundwork for your pursuit. My good friend Rick was a successful buyer of materials for copiers. He always had a passion for music and for working with children. He decided that he wanted open The School of Rock, a music school for children focusing on teaching them how to perform in a Rock and Roll band. He did his homework, purchased the franchise, and achieved profitability by working evenings and weekends. Once the new business could support him, he resigned from his day job to focus on his passion full time. If you have an idea for a business but need more expertise for your endeavor, attend workshops or take classes. Spend time researching and talking to people that are doing what you would like to do. Begin building your new business in the hours you have outside of your current job. The goal is to ensure that you have a proven strategy that is covering your monthly expenses before you give up the financial security of a consistent paycheck.

Stop worrying and start living

Stop worrying, especially about things that are outside of your control. The more you become focused on the present moment, the less stress you experience in life. Worry is fear. To truly live a life with no regrets you must relinquish fear and appreciate what’s around you.




Posted by Joel Brookman in Direct Your Life, follow your passion, happiness and tagged , .


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