Latest "signs" Posts

#602 Tune Into the Signs That Life Gives You

So often we don’t pay attention to the input we are receiving. Take the opportunity to tune into the signs that life gives you.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Podcasts, signs.

#600 Stop Justifying and Accept What Is

So often we try to justify things to ourselves. It’s important to see the signs, look beyond the delusion, stop justifying and accept what is.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in accept what is, Podcasts, signs.

#599 Pay Attention to the Signs Your Body is Giving You

You can replace your car but you can’t replace your body. Pay attention to the signs your body is giving you.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in health, Podcasts, signs.

#598 Tune Into the Signs You’re Given

Everyday we are given signs that we can use to guide our path through life. The questions is, do you tune into the signs you’re given?…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in feelings are the best gage, go inside, Podcasts, protect yourself, signs, tune in to people.

Pay Attention to Life’s Signs

Many years ago I was engaged to a very volatile woman. I was approaching 30 and it seemed like the right time in life to settle down. She had many of the attributes that would make her a good wife. She was a pediatric nurse which would certainly be a great skill set for a mother. She was attractive, intelligent, and socially adept. My clients liked her so she would be good for my livelihood. The problem was that she was very manipulative and demanding. I got engaged mainly because I caved into the pressure she put on me. About two months prior to the wedding date my brother asked me why I was going through with it.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Direct Your Life, Harness your subconscious mind, signs.
