Latest "retire" Posts

#982 What Will You Do in Retirement?

The question we are discussing today is what will you do in retirement? It doesn’t matter how old you are now, at some point, assuming you are financially able,  you may decide to stop going to work every day. How will you continue to keep your mind and body engaged? What will fill your days? Gaining clarity now allows you to start laying the groundwork for where you want to be when the time comes.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in podcasts, Podcasts, retire.


Traditional retirement

When I look at my father’s generation and observe retirement in the United States, there are a number of common steps. After decades of service to the same company there comes a point (somewhere between 60-65) where you become fully vested in the company’s pension. When that time arrives, they throw you a party, give you a watch, and pack your personal belongings in a box. You then proceed to complete everything on the honey-do list and maintain a spotless garage. After a few months you start to drive your spouse crazy because you’re around too much. That’s the point where you put the house on the market and head for a golf course community in a warm climate.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Plan your life, retire.

#627 Begin Planning Your Retirement

Retirement doesn’t have to be the thing you do when you turn 65. There are many other ways to look at retirement. You are never too young to begin planning your retirement. Start by determining what retirement looks like for you.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Choose who you want to be, Podcasts, retire.

#626 Stay Mentally Active in Retirement

The standard retirement model where people stop working forever can lead to loss of mental sharpness. When your time comes, be sure you that you stay mentally active in retirement. Here are some thoughts on how you might plan for it.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in health, Podcasts, retire.

#625 Look For Your Retirement Home Now

Why wait until you retire to discover where you want to be?  Begin to look for your retirement home now.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Plan your life, Podcasts, retire.

#624 Retire Now By Doing What You Love

If you are inspired by the work you do every day, in a sense, you are already retired. If you don’t enjoy what you do, look for ways to retire now by doing what you love.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in follow your passion, love your job, Podcasts, retire.
