Latest "kindness" Posts

#527 Give Credit to Others


If you receive accolades for an accomplishment and you had help along the way, be sure you give credit to others.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in appreciation, Gratitude, kindness, Podcasts, reputation.

#526 Respect

90 sec nav 1400x1400-72Treat everyone you encounter with respect.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in kindness, Podcasts, Respect People.

#523 Negative Political Campaigns


Why must we have such negative political campaigns in the U.S.?…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in eliminate negativity, kindness, negative people, Podcasts, Respect People.



As I watch the political environment unfold in the U.S. I am amazed by how poorly candidates treat each other. At some point it became acceptable to not just talk about your own credentials, but to tear down your opponent at any cost. I recently saw a commercial where a candidate, an injured war hero, ran a heartfelt message. This wonderful message quickly shifted to a vicious attack on his opponent. All the goodwill he built up was immediately lost when he criticized his rival. Why can’t candidates take the high road? If people I do business with treated their competitors the way candidates treat each other, I’d take my business elsewhere.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in eliminate negativity, kindness, negative people, Respect People.

Give Back

I was in the supermarket and the woman checking out in front of me was engaged in a very uncomfortable situation with the cashier. It turns out she was $16 short. I gave the cashier the money. Both the woman and the cashier thanked me and were genuinely appreciative. I went on that day with an extra bounce in my step. I can’t think of a way that $16 could have brought me that much satisfaction. Perhaps the biggest beneficiary of the exchange was me.

My goal is to replicate this feeling more often in my life. I’m a firm believer in the law of reciprocity—what comes around goes around.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in appreciation, be kind, Be present, give of yourself, Gratitude, kindness.

Leave No Regrets

We all have things we have done in life that we regret, things that we want to do that we have never done, things we should have said but didn’t, people we treated poorly that didn’t deserve it.

Is there someone in your life, that if they died tonight, you would have regrets for things you left unsaid? Pick up the phone, go to their house, or send them a note. Leave no regrets.

Ideally we want to eliminate negativity from our lives but we must accept that there are situations when it’s unavoidable. You can’t pick your family, you often don’t have control of who is selected to be a coworker.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Conflict resolution, eliminate negativity, forgiveness, kindness.
